SMO (Social Media Optimization)

SMO or Social Media Optimization is the performance of marketing through key Social Media which can reach a lot of users, in order to create the online Community groups that are suitable for creating and disseminating key content for building brand or for the communication of various important informations, in order to increase the acknowledgements of the target groups which has the interest and follow-up regularly (Fanpage member). It also expects to increase the numbers of people who enter into the main website, in order to lead to the performing of key transactions on the website.

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Nowadays, SMO becomes one of the important factors for SEO, due to the Search Engine gives more importance to recommend the user’s website by various Social Network. It can be noticed that when one website page is “share” or is “like” through Social Network, the numbers of those actions will be evaluated as the quality of the website page which the Search Engine

will bring those points to be the composition in calling the website to be displayed at the good ranking, when there is a search through the Search Engine. Moreover, the Search Engine will also give the importance to the interest of the searcher, and also the place of the searcher.

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From the behaviors of the social media usages, for the online communication to many groups of community, whatsoever the usages are, i.e. the usage to express the various opinions of your own, to join the community according to specific interest in order to increase the numbers of the community and create the social network, with no limitation from all over the world.This helps the social media

which is easy to use and is free of charge, will be able to increase a lot of the user’s numbers continuously, especially Facebook which is the number one online social media that is popular among

the worldwide users. This includes Thailand where there are numbers of users increasing every day, until it develops to the creation of business community, organization communication, the data disseminating for marketing in the type of Social Commerce, effectively both of data disseminating and data transmission to a lot of message receivers, or use as the channel for communication of the type : 2 ways communication, specific each person.

GenSpace will accept to manage by planning for the presentation of key data via main social media, in the name of each organization, by our professional working team who have well learned about the principle of the working of each social media network, in order to create the followers to increase continuously. This is one of the important principles for the creation of the activities for sharing and to keep the good relation with the target groups (Customer Relation Management), in order to build the loyal customers. By the study of various critical situations, from the actual situations which occur, such as : the handling of the posted information which is risky, the handling of the negative opinions against the product/organization and bring them to improve together with the management of unexpected incident which might occur and should manage in time. It includes also the creation of the communication, in order to be able to disseminate the key data, in each day to target groups during the period which has already studied that it can well be expected for the degree of success. The usage through the specific Application, is developed to follow-up, to evaluate and to report the statistics of the various successes precisely. It is used to develop the analysis of the past results, to compare with the competitors and to set the strategy of advertisement and publicity efficiently.

Facebook Advertising

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The creation of marketing strategy by Social Media, is obtained from the collection of personal data of the social media user. Each person who want to enter for the usage, has to register by identifying himself/herself the name – surname, sex, age, location of the house or business office, occupation and others, according to the specific requirements of each network. Therefore, the social media which is used for advertisement and marketing, will be able to determine the message-receiver more specific, by using the tool to determine the advertising cost. These personal data are used to categorize the target groups,

for the marketing people to create the pattern for more specific communication to the target groups. It is different from the advertisement via Advertising Network which depends on the advertising on various websites that expect the target groups will give the interest, and then collect the data of the advertisement visitors from IP Address. Once there is a visit, then the real Demographic will be known. However, the principle for calculating the cost of the advertisement, is to calculate according to the interest of the target group, when there is Click on the advertisement (Cost per click) and estimate the cost from the online Real Time Bidding.


We performs the well completed study of the working and the various types of advertising workpieces via social network, in order to create the work which is suitable with the regulations and to be the best, to satisfy the behaviors of the consumers who use each social media. According to the social media has outstanding feature for creating the follow-up to receive the data regularly, our working team has set out the strategy to propose the data of many types, in order to create the loyal customers who will follow up to receive the messages from the product/organization regularly and continuously. Moreover, the created content must stimulate the customers to perform the various participations, i.e. express the comments, share, access to website (Send the data-receiver to enter the main website, in order to lead to perform the key transaction), in order to solve the KPI problem, according to the determined target.

Essentials When Optimizing Your Site

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